Going backwards for a minute (take my mind off the sensitive vocal stuff - although today has been GREAT and we are re-doing alot of them...more on that later)... back to going backwards....
This first photo was the start of my March 27, 2008 flight of Munich via London en route to San Francisco.
Keep in mind it was not even 9:30am yet and to celebrate their Terminal 5, they gave us champagne and gummy bears!
So this was my first photo of the journey... hopeful;
This was the 5 hour Terminal 5 line I was in that had people waiting for hotels, connections ideas, basically an update on what the hell was going on. This was the second photo of the journey... chaos;
I spent the whole 7 days I waited for my luggage in a freak out going online constantly to see if they were found yet, calling the special 800 number to no avail.
Keep in mind, I was told my bags were amongst 28,000 stranded bags - I really didn't think I'd be seeing them again.
This was the night I refreshed the browser like a psycho and got the good news... happy;