
Thursday, November 22, 2007


Here I am, yet again - abroad and far from America on Thanksgiving. *sigh*

I can't say I am terribly homesick for it but that is only because I have grown accustomed to Thanksgiving and every other holiday (except Christmas) away from my family for many years

Last year I spent Thanksgiving touring England - and before my show that night, had a chicken wrap from KFC. Exciting I know. :)

In any case, next year I will be hosting a big, fat Thanksgiving to introduce my Tyrolean and International friends that don't celebrate, to the food portion of the tradition.

But this year - this year is going to spent with friends, tonight - in a matter of minutes actually, down at the Christkindmarkts...i.e Christmas Markets.

Helli and I went down last night for the first time and were completely blown away how much further they went with it this year. It seems this awesome tradition only gets better, more organized and more spectacular as each year passes. yay!

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Here is a link if you'd like to see what it's like and looks like here in Innsbruck during my absolute favorite time of year here. Honestly, when winter comes and we browse the markets, drinking Glühwein and eating roasted chestnuts, I have not one ounce of homesickness or regreat for living here. :) I hope someday you my friends, will be able to join us in December for this magical time.

In the spirit of feasting everywhere - Happy Turkey Day my beautiful friends. I love you.


p.s On that note, tomorrow - I am hosting a big South Tyrolean traditional dinner called Törggelen! I have invited good friends and new friends (some becoming good:) from my Innsbruck Expats group I started. It's a full house and should be great. It will replace my Thanksgiving as the feast is just as large, if not larger! :) Here is link to the restaurant where you can find the link to see the crazy menu & also a link about what exactly Törggelen is.


What is Törggelen?:

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